Set Up Network Access

Restrict the IP addresses where users can access the solution.

To help protect your organization’s data from unauthorized access, you can specify a list of trusted IP addresses from which users can log on from. For example, you can restrict access to the solution and only allow users who are on your organization’s office networks to log on.


  • If subnet restrictions are implemented, users can only connect to the app using Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4).
  • You can also add subnet restrictions to specific API users. For more information, see Add a Subnet Restriction to an API User.
  1. On the global navigation bar, click Settings > Network Access.
  2. In the Access solution section, change All Access to Restricted Access.
  3. Type the IP address using the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) format:
  4. Click Add.
  5. Repeat Step 3 and 4 for additional IP addresses.
  6. In the Export data section, change All Access to Restricted Access or No Access.

    Note: If No Access, users cannot export data from any network.

  7. If Restricted Access, repeat Step 3 and 4.

  8. When finished, click Save.